Terry's ORA Tips

Template Example – Census Event

This page updated 9 Feb 20242


This article describes one of my example Templates for Online Repository Assistant (ORA). The other example Templates can be found in the index of Example Templates. Other articles in my ORA Section cover various topics about using the software. The "How it Works" section below includes links to articles describing the ORA features used in these Templates.


My approach to using ORA with census records is in three parts:

  1. I use a "splitter" method for census records, so I have a Template for each census year that creates a Source record (Source Definition) for that household in that census. Those Templates are described in my article on Census Sources Examples.
  2. I have a set of Templates for each census year to add appropriate text to the Detail field of each Citation when I cite that Source in Name, Relationship, or Event Tags. Those Templates are described in my article on Census Citation Examples.
  3. I have Templates for each census year that enter some of the data in the Census Tag. This article describes those Templates.

These Templates were designed for my method of recording census records, which is described more completely in my article on Using ORA with Census Records.

The Templates described in this article are designed to type data from U.S. Census records for the years 1850 through 1950 on Ancestry.com, to complete Census Tags for that census in The Master Genealogist (TMG). They would likely have to be modified for use with census records for other countries, or for other genealogy programs.

The Templates in this article are designed to enter the data into the various fields used by my Census Tag for 1850 and Later, which is described in the TMG section of this website. It is designed to include all the members of a household in a single Tag, and also to include some attributes of their living situation. It does not include all the details from the census record, many of which I record in other Tags. The Templates could be adapted to enter into Census Tags of other designs.

A separate Template is provided for each census year.

Example Output:


Auto Type, designed for use with TMG


In TMG, navigate to the head of household as focus person, so his or her ID no. is automatically entered, and open a Tag Entry screen for a Census Tag, and enter the date enumeration. The ID no. of other Principal, the spouse, if any, of the head of household in my method, and the Roles assigned each Principal, must be entered manually. They may be entered either before or after the Template is run, but the cursor must be in the Date field when the Template is started.

In your browser, navigate to the census record for the head of household of the household for which the Source Definition is being created. In the OraPanel, click the Auto Type button associated with this Template. The Template types in place information, as well as other information about the family's living situation, depending on what is recorded for that census year. The illustration above provides an example of the result for a 1920 census.

If other persons are to be entered in the Census Tag, and the Citation is entered manually. For a fuller description see the Census Event Templates section of my article on Using ORA with Census Records.

How it Works:

The Templates gather data from fields available in the OraPanel and format it to create output for the place and Memo fields in the census Tag Entry screen. The methods used are explained for each field below. When the available data in various years requires different methods, each is explained. The actual Templates at the end of this article account for different field names in various census years, but those differences are not noted in this section unless a different method is required to extract the data. The {tab} Control Sequences used to advance from field to field are included in the Templates below, but are not shown in the following discussion for each field.

Testing for Township

Many census records in rural areas used townships as the local area. Townships are generally not the same as towns, though in some cases there are both towns and townships of the same name. Ancestry.com indexes do not distinguish between towns and townships, even though the census image generally does. Checking whether or not the place is a township is done by the Census Sources Template, which is normally run before this one,, as described in my article on my Census Source Example.

The results of that check are stored for use when this Template is run, but are lost if the user refreshes the Ancestry page, for example by changing focus to another person in the household or looking at a different collection. This Template checks to see if the result of the earlier test is available, and if not runs the test again, calling a Library Template with this Template segment, which is described in the article on a Census Source Example:


Setting Up the [He-She] Variables

For census years after 1900 the Templates output text for the Memo field reporting information about the living conditions of the household. While the information differs for various census years, it typically includes whether the home as owned or rented, its value in some years, and where the family lived before in some cases. In order to make the information more readable in narratives it is assembled into text that require use of pronouns to refer to the subject or the family.

The appropriate pronouns are selected by a Library Template which is described in my article on Example Library Templates. That Template creates two Variables, [He-She] with the values "they" for married subjects, and "he" or "she" for unmarried subjects, and [His-Her] with values  "their", "his" or "her". The Library Template is called with this Template sequence:


The Variables created are used in parts of the Template described below in the Memo section.

Removing the Country from the Place Field

In some census years Ancestry includes the country, shown as "USA," at the end of the place field, while in most it does not. In order to use the same Template segments without editing for each year, for years in which the country is included it is removed by use of a :replace Transform, using the following segment:

[=:Residence:[Residence:replace:, USA::l]]

With the preliminaries completed, we can now describe the actual workings of the the template. It is designed to type into a census Tag Entry screen, with the cursor initially in the Date field. The first thing it does is use the Control Sequence for a Tab keystroke repeatedly to move to the first place field it will use. Then number of tabs required varies by census year, depending on whether or not street addresses were recorded for that year.

Street Address

The first U.S. census to include street addresses was 1900. For that and following years the Templates include the street address when it is recorded in the individual record. The house number and street name are indexed in separate fields when present. I prefer to record the suffix of the street name – Street, Avenue, etc. – in a consist style, using abbreviations for the more common suffixes. Since they are not recorded or indexed consistently I use a Library Template to convert them to my preferred style. That Template is described in my article on Example Library Templates.

The house number and street are output in this Template segment:

<[?:Street][House Number] >[lib.cleanStreet:Street]

The first term is the Variable [House Number], which outputs the actual house number if it is present in the record. That Variable and the following literal space character are enclosed in Conditional brackets so that the space is not output if there is no value for the house number. A Value Test Variable testing whether there is a value for the street field is also included in the Conditional so the house number and space are not output when there is no street name.

The second term calls the Library Template to output the street name, modified to suit my preferences.

For the 1920 census the [House Number] Variable also has a :replace Transform, as shown in yellow below:

<[?:House Number=Farm]|[House Number:replace:\bX] >[lib.cleanStreet:Street]

This is done because I have found that in some cases the 1920 indexes on Ancestry include the letter " X " when there is no actual number in the record. This Transform removes that " X " leaving the number field empty, so nothing is output.

Locality, or City

The "city" field could be output with the simple segment:


However, the place information for many census records includes "places" that are not towns or cities at all, for example "District" or "Precinct" information. In larger cities the place description often includes "Ward" or other information. While I record this information in my source record, I do not want it in a Census Tag, from where it appears in narrative output. I use a Library Template to remove information that I do not want to include in the Census Tag. That Template is described in my article on Example Library Templates.

Some "cities" recorded in the census are actually townships, but not indexed as such by Ancestry, I use the code describe above to identify townships. The follows Template segment calls the Library Template to produce the modified name of the town or city, and adds the text "Twp." were appropriate:

[lib.cleanCity:Residence]<[?:Is a Township=y] Twp.>

The first segment, in green above, calls the Library Template to produce the name of the city or town, modified as described above. The remainder is a Conditional expression that uses  a Value Test Variable to test whether the locality was determined to be a township. If so, the literal text " Twp." is added, otherwise it produces no output.. 


The name of the county is extracted from the "Residence" field with the :split Transform to find the second-from-last element, with this Template segment:

[Residence:split:,:-2] <[?:Residence:split:,:-1=Louisiana]Parish|Co.>

The second term adds with literal text either "Co." or "Parish." The first part of a two-part Alternative Conditional uses Value Test Variable to test the name of the state, also extracted from the "Residence" field with a :split Transform, for "Louisiana." If "true" the text "Parish" is output, otherwise "Co." is output by the second part of the Alternatives Conditional.


The name of the state is extracted from the "Residence" field with the :split Transform to find the last element, with this Template segment:



I use the Memo field in the census Tag to record information about the family's situation at the time that is recorded in the census record, such as owing or renting their home, rooming or boarding with another family, or property owned. The information recorded varies by census year, and only some of what is recorded is indexed and available to ORA. The Template segments used to output the information that is available for each census year are described below.

In the 1850 census, the only such information recorded is the value of real estate owned. The value owned by the head of household is entered in the Memo with the following Template segment:

<reporting real estate valued at $[Real Estate Value

The literal text "reporting real estate valued at $" is enclosed in conditional brackets with the Variable so if there is no value the text does not appear in the output. The value of the Variable [Real Estate Value] is modified by a :replace Transform to place commas in numbers of four digits or more. The Transform uses a Regular Expression to search for a group of one to three digits 0 through 9 (the segment in yellow above), followed by a group of three digits (the segment in green). If found, it then outputs the two groups separated by a literal comma character (with the segment in blue). If the two groups are not found the value is output unchanged (this expression does not correctly deal with numbers larger than six digits).

The 1860 and 1870 censuses recorded the value of personal property as well as the value of real estate. Since either or both of them may be empty, the following outputs are possible:

reporting real estate valued at $4,500 and personal estate of $1,200

reporting real estate valued at $4,500

reporting no real estate but personal estate of $1,200

reporting no real or personal estate

This result is produced by the following Template segment:

reporting <<real estate valued at $[Real Estate Value:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]><[?:Personal Estate Value]<[?:Real Estate Value] and |no real estate but ><personal estate of $[Personal Estate Value:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]>>|no real or personal estate>

After the literal text "reporting " in the Template there is a two-part Alternative Conditional that contains all the rest of the Template terms. Within the first part of the Conditional are several nested Conditionals. The first of those, shown in green above, outputs the value if real estate, if any, using the same method described above for 1850.

If there is no real estate value, that Conditional segment will produce no output, but the next Conditional, colored in yellow above, tries to output the value of the personal estate. It is another Conditional segment, with further Conditional elements nested inside it. The first element of the Conditional colored yellow above is a Value Test Variable which tests for the existence of the [Personal Estate Value] field. This Conditional is shown by itself below, with the Value Test Variable colored green:

<[?:Personal Estate Value]<[?:Real Estate Value] and |no real estate but ><personal estate of $[Personal Estate Value:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]>>

The Value Test Variable is the only element at this level, so if the [Personal Estate Value] is does not exist, this entire Conditional structure produces no output. But if the [Personal Estate Value] does exist, the two Conditionals nested within it come into play and will output some text about the values of the personal estate. The first of these, colored in pink above, is a two-part Alternative Conditional that produces text that depends on whether or not the [Real Estate Value] field exists, as tested by the Value Test Variable. If it does, the Value Test Variable returns "true" and the first part of the Alternative Conditional (in pink) produces the literal text " and " to connect the text about the value of the real estate to the text about personal estate. If the [Real Estate Value] does not exist, the second part of the Conditional in Pink produces the text "no real estate but " to introduce the text about the value of the personal estate.

The Conditional colored in blue above produces the text about the value of the personal estate, using the :replace Transform to add commas as described for the value of the real estate.

If either or both of the [Real Estate Value] and [Personal Estate Value] fields are present, the outer Conditional Alternative is satisfied and the rest of the outer Conditional is ignored. But if neither of them do, the second part of the outer Conditional, shown in green below, comes into play:

reporting <<real estate valued at $[Real Estate Value:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]><[?:Personal Estate Value]<[?:Real Estate Value] and |no real estate but ><personal estate of $[Personal Estate Value:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]>>|no real or personal estate>

In that case it produces only the literal text "no real or personal estate".

No such information was recorded in the 1880 census, so there is no Memo term in the Template for that year.

The 1900 through 1920 censuses recorded whether the family home was owned or rented, whether it was a house or on a farm, and whether it was mortgaged. Here are some of the possible outputs:

reporting they owned their home, free of mortgage

reporting he owned his farm, which was mortgaged

reporting she rented her home

This information is entered into the Memo field by the following Template segment:

reporting [He-She] <[?:House Owned or Rented=Rent]rented|[?:House Owned or Rented=Own]owned> [His-Her] <[?:Farm or House=H]home|[?:Farm or House=F]farm><[?:Home Free or Mortgaged=F], free of mortgage|[?:Home Free or Mortgaged=M], which was mortgaged>

This segment begins with the literal text "reporting " followed by the [He-She] Variable, which produces "they" "he" or "she" as described in the Setting Up the [He-She] Variables section above, and then a literal space.

Next are three sets of Alternative Conditionals which produce output for the own or rent, house or farm, and mortgaged information, shown in separate colors above. In each of the Alternatives, Value Test Variables test for the values of the respective fields and output appropriate literal text depending on which value was found. Following the Conditional for House Owned or Rented is the [His-Her] Variable, which produces "their" "his" or "hers".

The values tested in the Value Test Variables shown above are for 1900. For 1910 the values in the House Owned or Rented field are the same, but in 1920 they were "Rented" and "Owned". The values for the Home Free or Mortgaged are "Free" and "Mortgaged" in 1910 and 1920.

The 1930 census recorded whether the home was rented or owned, the value of the home if owned and the monthly rent if rented. It also recorded whether the family owned a radio. This information is entered into the Memo field by the following Template segment:

reporting [He-She] <[?:Home Owned or Rented=Rented]rented [His-Her] home, for $[Home Value] per month|[?:Home Owned or Rented=Owned]owned [his-her] home valued at $[Home Value:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]>, and <[?:Radio Set=Yes]owned a radio|[?:Radio Set=No]did not own a radio>

This segment is structured similarly to the one for 1900 through 1920, but with only two sets of Alternative Conditionals, each using a pair of Value Test Variables and outputting different text depending on the values found. The first tests for whether the home was rented or owned. The first element of that Alternative, in green above, tests for the home being rented, and if so it outputs the literal text "rented their home, for $" followed by the amount of rent from the [Home Value] field, and the text " per month". If the home was not recorded as rented, the second element, in blue above, comes into play and tests for it being owned, and if so outputs the literal text "owned a home valued at $" followed by the value of the home, again from the [Home Value] field. The home value is modified by a :replace Transform to insert a comma if over three digits, as described above for the value of real estate in the 1850 census.

The second Alternative Conditional statement, in yellow above, tests for whether a radio set was owned, and outputs appropriate literal text depending on the result of that test.

I have found that the home value is often indexed strangely, for example, "1, 300" with a comma and misplaced space. So I have added this segment before the one above to remove the space and comma so my routine to format the value can work reliably:

[=:Home Value:[Home Value:replace: ::g:replace:,:]]

It uses an Assignment Variable to assign to the Variable [Home Value] its original value, modified by a pair of chained :replace Transforms to replace the space, if present, with nothing, then do the same with the comma.

The 1940 census recorded the same information about home ownership and value, but not the information about owning a radio set. But it did ask about where the family lived in 1935.

The census recorded the 1935 residence as "same house"; "same place" meaning different house in same village, town or city; or if elsewhere the city, county, or state. If the prior location was outside a village, town, or city it was recorded as "rural". But Ancestry indexed does not record "same house" and "same place" as recorded, but instead shows the place as the current residence city, county, and state. Since ORA therefore cannot differentiate between "same house" and "same place" this Template segment is used to prompt the user when the index reports both the current residence and the 1935 residence were the same:

<[?:Residence=[Inferred Residence in 1935]][=:1935 same House?]>

It uses a Value Test Variable to test whether the two residence fields have the same value. If they do an Assignment Variable prompts the user to enter "y" or "n" (or simply press enter if no) to the question of "1935 same house?" The entire segment is enclosed in parenthesis so if the two residences are not the same no prompt is made. I place this segment near the beginning of the Template because that seems logical to me, but there is no requirement to do so.

The residence information is entered into the Memo field by the following Template segment:

reporting [He-She] <[?:House Owned or Rented=Rented]rented [His-Her] home, for $[Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented] per month[?:House Owned or Rented=Owned]owned a home valued at $[Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]>, and that [He-She] had lived in <[?:Residence=[Inferred Residence in 1935]]the same <[?:1935 same House?=y]house|city>|<[?:Inferred Residence in 1935:split:,:1=Rural]rural |[Inferred Residence in 1935:split:,:1], ><[?:Residence in 1935:splitCount:,=3] [Residence in 1935:split:,:2] Co., >[Residence in 1935:split:,:-1]> in 1935

The first Alternative Conditional, again shown in green above, is the same as described for 1930 except the names of the fields, and thus the names of the Variables, are different.

The part of the Template dealing with residence in 1935 is shown in yellow above. It consists of several parts, as shown in more detail below:

, and that [He-She] had lived in <[?:Residence=[Inferred Residence in 1935]]the same <[?:1935 same House?=y]house|city>|<[?:Residence in 1935:split:,:1=Rural]rural|[Inferred Residence in 1935:split:,:1], ><[?:Residence in 1935:splitCount:,=3] [Residence in 1935:split:,:2] Co., >[Residence in 1935:split:,:-1]> in 1935

It consists of the literal text ", and that ", the Variable [He-She] to produce "they" "he" or "she", and literal text " had lived in".That is followed by a two-part Alternative Conditional which has other Conditionals nested within it. The first part of this conditional starts with a Value Test Variable shown in green above, testing whether the current residence is the same as the 1935 residence as indexed (in other words, was the census entry either "same house" or "same city"?). If they were the same the nested Alternative Conditional shown in yellow is applied. It uses a Value Test Variable asking whether the Variable [1935 same house?], which was created by the prompt describe above, is equal to " y ". If it is the test "house" is output. If not the second part of this Alternative produces the text "city". If this part of the outer Conditional has produced output, the outer Conditional is satisfied, the second part is ignored, and the Template advances to the literal text " in 1935" as shown in blue above.

If the current residence was not indexed as the same as the 1935 residence the first part of the outer Conditional will produce no output, and the second part is applied:

, and that [He-She] had lived in <[?:Residence=[Inferred Residence in 1935]]the same <[?:1935 same House?=y]house|city>|<[?:Inferred Residence in 1935:split:,:1=Rural]rural|[Inferred Residence in 1935:split:,:1], >, ><[?:Residence in 1935:splitCount:,=3] [Residence in 1935:split:,:2] Co., >[Residence in 1935:split:,:-1]> in 1935

The second part of the outer Conditional begins with a nested two-part Alternatives Conditional, colored in green and yellow above. The first part of this Conditional, in green, uses a Value Test Variable asking whether the "city" part of the 1935 residence (obtained with a :split Transform) is equal to "Rural'. If so, the literal text "rural" is output. If not, the second part, in yellow, outputs the "city" part of the 1935 residence, if any.

Following that is a Conditional term, in pink above, to produce the name of the county and the text " Co." if it exists. First it uses a :splitcount Transform to test whether there are three parts to the place, and if so it uses a :split Transform to output the name of the county and the text. If not, nothing is output (this test it intended to avoid outputting only " Co." in cases where no county was entered). Then a :split Transform is used to output the name of the state, and finally the text "in 1935".

This output is based on the information indexed for the head of household. The user must review the census image to see if further editing is required because the information for some members of the household is different than that for the head.

The only residence information the 1950 census recorded for every household was whether the residence was on a farm, and was the property more than three acres. For six people on each sheet, not necessarily heads of household, "supplemental" questions were asked. They included whether the person lived in the same house the year before, and if not did they live in the same county. If not, the county and state where they were living was recorded.

Ancestry has said it would index every field in the 1950 census, including the supplemental questions. So far only a very few states have these questions indexed, and those that are were indexed by Optical Character Recognition and have abundant errors. So the user needs to carefully check the output of this template section against the image for errors and omissions.

The following Template segment outputs the whether the household was on a farm or not, and if it was over three acres states so. When the supplemental questions were asked of the head of household the information from them is also reported if indexed:

reporting [He-She] lived <[?:Farm=Yes]on a farm<[?:Acres=Yes] of over three acres>|<in a home not on a farm><[?:Acres=Yes], but on over three acres>|XXX><[?:Same House] and [He-She] lived in <[?:Same House=Yes]the same house|[?:Same County=Yes]a different house but the same county|[Inferred Previous Residence Place:split:,:-2] Co., [Inferred Previous Residence Place:split:,:-1:replace:( ?[0-9]+):]> the year before>

The first part of the Template, colored green above, produces the output for the data recorded for all households. The rest of the Template produces output for the supplemental questions, if they were asked for the head of household. The first part is shown in more detail below:

reporting [He-She] lived <[?:Farm=Yes]on a farm<[?:Acres=Yes] of over three acres>|<in a home not on a farm><[?:Acres=Yes], but on over three acres>|XXX>

This segment begins with the literal text "reporting " followed by the Variable [He-She] to produce "they" "he" or "she", and then the literal text " lived ". Following that is a three-part Alternative Conditional. The first part of that Conditional includes a Value Test Variable testing whether the [Farm] field is equal to "Yes" and literal text "on a farm" which is output if it is, all in green above. It also has a nested Conditional, in yellow, which has a Value Test Variable testing whether the [Acres] field is equal to "Yes" and literal text " of over three acres" which is output if it is. If output is produced by one or both of these terms, that is if the household was on a farm, the outer three-part Conditional is satisfied, and the rest of it is ignored.

If there is no output from the first part of the outer Conditional, the second part comes into play. It begins with the literal text "in a home not on a farm" within Conditionals, as shown in blue above. The Conditional is required even though it contains only literal text because otherwise the following Conditional would become "nested," that is at a lower level. If that were the case, the text would not be output if the Conditional that follows in the same outer Conditional tested "false." The rule is that when a Conditional has only literal text with one or more nested Conditional terms, at least one of those Conditional terms must be "true" or the whole Conditional is considered "false" and the literal text is ignored. While that rule is generally useful, in this case it must be defeated, here by placing the literal text in Conditionals so it becomes a peer with the otherwise "nested" following Conditional.

Next is another Conditional, shown in pink above, which contains a Value Test Variable testing whether the [Acres] field is equal to "Yes" and literal text " but on over three acres" which is output if it is.

The [Farm] field should always be populated with either "Yes" or "No" but because of the current poor quality of indexing of the 1950 census, the third term of the outer Conditional will output the literal text "XXX" if neither of the first two parts produces output to alert the user to review the image and manually edit the output.

The second part of the Memo Template, left in white above, produces the output for the supplemental questions on residence. It is shown in detail here:

<[?:Same House] and [He-She] lived in <[?:Same House=Yes]the same house|[?:Same County=Yes]a different house but the same county|[Inferred Previous Residence Place:split:,:-2] Co., [Inferred Previous Residence Place:split:,:-1:replace:( ?[0-9]+):]> the year before>

It has an outer Conditional, shown in green above, that begins with a Value Test Variable testing whether the [Same House] Variable exists (in other words, were the supplemental questions indexed for this person?). If it does the outer Conditional uses the literal text " and " the [He-She] variable and literal text " lived in " to begin the output for the supplemental questions. After the nested Conditional described next provides additional output, the outer Conditional adds the literal text " the year before". If the [Same House] Variable does not exist this entire section is ignored.

If the [Same House] Variable does exist, a three-part Alternatives Conditional supplies one of three sets of output about where the household was living the prior year. The first part of it, in yellow above, uses a Value Test Variable to test whether the [Same House] field was equal to "Yes" and if so to output the literal text "the same house". If not, the second part, in blue,comes into play. It uses a Value Test Variable to test whether the [Same County] field was equal to "Yes" and if so to output the literal text "a different house but in the same county". If not, the third part, in pink, produces the previous year residence county and state. It uses a :split Transform to find the county in the [Inferred Previous Residence Place] field and adds the literal text " Co., ". The another :split Transform finds the name of the state. But because the OCR indexing sometimes includes the numeric codes added to the state name with the census was tabulated, a :replace Transform looks for a space (optional) followed by digits, and if found, replaces them with nothing.

Because the supplemental questions are currently not indexed in many states, and because they were only recorded for six people per sheet and thus may be included for other members of the household but not the head, the user must review the output of this part of the Template against the image and manually make any corrections indicated.


The following are the complete Templates for each census year. They can be copied from the areas below and pasted into an Auto Type Template in the OraSettings window. The separation of the coding into "paragraphs" is used only to make the coding easier to understand. The paragraph breaks are ignored by ORA when the Template is used.

I include the Control Sequence {fast} to speed up the typing in all the Templates below. This works on my system, but you may need to remove it if your system doesn't tolerate this typing speed.

For each of these Templates I use the following Reminder field in the OraSettings window:

Source Definition, start from Tag Entry Screen


[=:Residence:[Residence:replace:, USA::l]]



<[lib.cleanCity:Residence]><[?:Is a Township=y] Twp.>{tab}

[Residence:split:,:-2] <[?*Residence:split:,:-1=Louisiana]Parish|Co.>{tab}


<reporting real estate valued at $[Real Estate:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]>


# check whether muncipality is a township


[lib.cleanCity:Residence]<[?:Is a Township=y] Twp.>{tab}

[Residence:split:,:-2] <[?:Residence:split:,:-1=Louisiana]Parish|Co.>{tab}


reporting <<real estate valued at $[Real Estate Value:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]><[?:Personal Estate Value]<[?:Real Estate Value] and |no real estate but ><personal estate of $[Personal Estate Value:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]>>|no real or personal estate>


# check whether muncipality is a township


[lib.cleanCity:Residence]<[?:Is a Township=y] Twp.>{tab}

[Residence:split:,:-2] <[?:Residence:split:,:-1=Louisiana]Parish|Co.>{tab}


reporting <<real estate valued at $[Real Estate Value:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]><[?:Personal Estate Value]<[?:Real Estate Value] and |no real estate but ><personal estate of $[Personal Estate Value:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]>>|no real or personal estate>


# check whether muncipality is a township




<[?:Residence:splitCount:,=2]|[?:Residence:split: :2=ward][Residence:split: :1]|[?:Residence:split: :1=district]|[?:Residence:split: :2=District,]|[Residence:split:,:1]><[?:Is a Township=y] Twp.>{tab}

[Residence:split:,:-2] <[?:Residence:split:,:-1=Louisiana]Parish|Co.>{tab}



# check whether muncipality is a township

# set up the they/he/she and their/his/her variables


<[?:Street][House Number] >[lib.cleanStreet:Street]{tab}

[lib.cleanCity:Residence]<[?:Is a Township=y] Twp.>{tab}

[Residence:split:,:-2] <[?:Residence:split:,:-1=Louisiana]Parish|Co.>{tab}


reporting [He-She] <[?:House Owned or Rented=Rent]rented|[?:House Owned or Rented=Own]owned>
[His-Her] <[?:Farm or House=H]home|[?:Farm or House=F]farm><[?:Home Free or Mortgaged=F], free of mortgage|[?:Home Free or Mortgaged=M], which was mortgaged>


# check whether muncipality is a township

# set up the they/he/she and their/his/her variables

[=Residence:[Residence:replace: \(.+\):]]


<[House Number] >[lib.cleanStreet:Street]{tab}

[lib.cleanCity:Residence]<[?:Is a Township=y] Twp.>{tab}

[Residence:split:,:-2] <[?:Residence:split:,:-1=Louisiana]Parish|Co.>{tab}


reporting [He-She] <[?:Home Owned or Rented=Rent]rented|[?:Home Owned or Rented=Own]owned> [His-Her] <[?:Farm or House=House]home|[?:Farm or House=Farm]farm><[?:Home Free or Mortgaged=Free], free of mortgage|[?:Home Free or Mortgaged=Mortgaged], which was mortgaged>


# check whether muncipality is a township

# set up the they/he/she and their/his/her variables

[=Residence:[Residence:replace: \(.+\):]]


<[?:House Number=Farm]|[House Number:replace:\bX] >[lib.cleanStreet:Street]{tab}

[lib.cleanCity:Residence]<[?:Is a Township=y] Twp.>{tab}

[Residence:split:,:-2] <[?:Residence:split:,:-1=Louisiana]Parish|Co.>{tab}


reporting [He-She] <[?:Home Owned or Rented=Rented]rented|[?:Home Owned or Rented=Owned]owned> [His-Her] home<[?:Home Free or Mortgaged=Free], free of mortgage|[?:Home Free or Mortgaged=Mortgaged], which was mortgaged>


[=:Residence:[Residence:replace:, USA::l]]

# check whether muncipality is a township

# set up the they/he/she and their/his/her variables


<[House Number] >[lib.cleanStreet:Street]{tab}

[lib.cleanCity:Residence]<[?:Township Y or N=y] Twp.>{tab}

<[?:Residence:split:,:-2:split:(:-1=Independent City)]|[Residence:split:,:-2] <[?:Residence:split:,:-11=Louisiana]Parish|Co.>>{tab}


[=:Home Value:[Home Value:replace: ::g:replace:,:]] reporting [He-She] <[?:Home Owned or Rented=Rented]rented [His-Her] home, for $[Home Value] per month|[?:Home Owned or Rented=Owned]<owned a home valued at $[Home Value:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]|owned [His-Her] home>>, and <[?:Radio Set=Yes]owned a radio|[?:Radio Set=No]did not own a radio>


# check whether muncipality is a township

# set up the they/he/she and their/his/her variables

# test for current residence same as in 1935, if so ask if same house
<[?:Residence=[Inferred Residence in 1935]][=:1935 same House?]>


<[House Number] >[lib.cleanStreet:Street]{tab}

[lib.cleanCity:Residence]<[?:Is a Township=y] Twp.>{tab}

[Residence:split:,:-2] <[?:Residence:split:,:-1=Louisiana]Parish|Co.>{tab}


reporting [He-She] <[?:House Owned or Rented=Rented]rented [His-Her] home, for $[Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented] per month|[?:House Owned or Rented=Owned]owned a home valued at $[Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented:replace:([0-9]{1,3})([0-9]{3}):$1,$2]>, and that [He-She] had lived in <[?:Residence=[Inferred Residence in 1935]]the same <[?:1935 same House?=y]house|city>|<[?:Inferred Residence in 1935:split:,:1=Rural]rural |[Inferred Residence in 1935:split:,:1], ><[?:Residence in 1935:splitCount:,=3] [Residence in 1935:split:,:2] Co., >[Residence in 1935:split:,:-1]> in 1935


# check whether muncipality is a township

# set up the they/he/she and their/his/her variables

[=:Residence:[Residence:replace:, USA::l]]
[=:Inferred Previous Residence Place:[Inferred Previous Residence Place:replace:, USA::l]]


<[House Number] >[lib.cleanStreet:Street]{tab}

[lib.cleanCity:Residence]<[?:Township Y or N=y] Twp.>{tab}

<[?:Residence:split:,:-2:split:(:-1=Independent City)]|[Residence:split:,:-2] <[?:Residence:split:,:-11=Louisiana]Parish|Co.>>{tab}


reporting [He-She] lived <[?:Farm=Yes]on a farm<[?:Acres=Yes] of over three acres>|<in a home not on a farm><[?:Acres=Yes], but on over three acres>|XXX>

# test for prior year residence info and add if present
<[?:Same House] and [He-She] lived in <[?:Same House=Yes]the same house|[?:Same County=Yes]a different house but the same county|[Inferred Previous Residence Place:split:,:-2] Co., [Inferred Previous Residence Place:split:,:-1:replace:( ?[0-9]+):]> the year before>

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