Robins's Visual Chart Form Tips

Gallery of Charts

This page created 1 Sep 2014

Hosted by Terry's TMG Tips

Chart of all persons in a project who are connected together. This single A0 (47" * 33") page has 254 persons on it. It was created in a number of steps and used flags to identify focus persons and overlaps of descendancy. The blue lines highlight the ancestry of a family but also shows the siblings and their descendants as far as they were recorded in the project. It is the result of 18 separate executions of Visual Chartform which have been edited and linked together. Where for the best use of space the chart has to be broken into pieces, then the curved dashed blue lines go between 2 boxes that represent the same person, usually a female who then becomes the wife in a more extensive chart piece.

Created by: Robin Lamacraft

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