Robins's Visual Chart Form Tips

Accents and Color Coding

This page created 1 Sep 2014

Hosted by Terry's TMG Tips

The boxes on a chart may be color-coded by:

  1. Accents – In TMG, on the Chart Options; Boxes tab, “Use Accents” the box fill color can be set from up to 9 Flag value tests. Create a flag, say on the birth country of each person, and then use it to apply different box fill colours.


  1. Generations -In TMG, on the Chart Options; Boxes tab, “Color by Generation” the box fill color for each generation can be set. The number of colors chosen then recycles if there are more generations.


A second example is the same chart where on the TMG Report Definition screen – “Only include people with his flag value” set SEX = M


  1. Manual Edits -In VCF, on an individual box basis it possible to reset the box fill create highlights for some individuals, like the male ancestors of a special person in a descendancy chart.

COMMENTS: There are several combinations of box fill color, box outline color and box outline thickness that can be used to create variations in the look of person boxes.

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